"University should be there to make you think. It may well be that you see the world differently to me but at least there should be a dialogue between viewpoints and the opportunity to take argumentative positions. Trouble is so many institutions from the World Tourism Organization down have adopted neoliberal positions and policies without even adequate considering what their implications might be at various levels, including knowledge generation and diffusion. Indeed, one of the things I find most
frightening is the very lack of critique of influential organisations such as the UNWTO, WTTC and the WEF. [...] Maybe it's a sign that some academics do not want to bite the hand that feeds or that they would like to receive a UNWTO award!"
Desde mi punto de vista, esta es una entrevista que debería de leer todo investigador relacionado con el turismo, pero también cualquier autoridad que trabaja en el tema, porque simplemente se dicen las cosas sin tapujos y motiva al pensamiento crítico, tan ausente en nuestros espacios Latinoamericanos. Si te interesa leerla completa, la puedes bajar en este link. Está en inglés.
También se puede encontrar la entrevista online en el sitio de ecoclub http://ecoclub.com/articles/interviews/767-111229-cmichaelhall
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